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What is


Primordia is a low code application development platform built to work in the form of a distributed network of interacting and collaborative nodes. The platform’s unique value is based on the wealth generated within the network, in the form of assets (design specifications) and linked data (information & certificates), flowing among nodes in a secure way under reconfigurable relational rules.


With Primordia, organizations and enterprises can smoothly build simple or complex applications and workflows, while exploiting reusable and shared specifications in node or network level, and directly deploy them to their user community for test or in production level. On the other hand, individuals (or even devices) can use the platform, their own or the one hosting their identity (“i-me”) to retrieve “linked” data records or issued certificates from remote nodes, using their imprints, and visualize them through dynamically constructed applications or make them available to interested, adequately authorized, users of beneficiaries.

Building apps with Primordia visual designers, automation tools & wizards is a unique experience, amazingly friendly and straight forwarded for typical web users. Existing code can be effortlessly integrated, everything smart can be connected, data hosts of any type can be exploited. Operations, processes and tasks can be accessible in app level, consolidated, locally or remotely. Apps deployment and administration is powered by state of the art tools and dashboards, while distributed business process collaboration across nodes has now become a “no-code” privilege for everyone.


Employ easy-to-use visual tools and thousands of ready-to-use resources to master software complexity.


Engage to distributed collaborations with your own business processes.


Use your "i-me" to harvest, unify and analyse your dispresed digital experiences.
One Platform Unlimited Capabilities

High Impact Applications for Complex Business Problems

Health Data Connected
Data Collection and Transfer Family of Applications
Hellenic Ministry of Health
Payments Clearings Automated
Rent Grants Legacy Information System Reinvented
Cypriot Ministry of Interior
Licencing Process Accelerated
National Licencing and Control System on Primordia
Hellenic Ministry of Development


Primordia is an architecturally robust, highly secure and immensely scalable software platform for designing & deploying apps in individual, enterprise and inter-organizational level, developed to support association and interaction among distributed networks of data, people, organizations and devices. As the building block of a new Digital World, every Primordia Node has built-in the following features:


Primordia has been designed with core objective to strongly secure both the platform and the networked world it will generate ...

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Primordia nodes are multi user & multi organization service provision infrastructures able to cope with huge volumes of data ...

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Primordia offers an impressive ability to scale in vertical, horizontal and network level, so as to accommodate ...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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People Friendly
People Friendly

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Unlimited Potential
Unlimited Potential

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Data Protection
Data Protection

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Encryption is by default applied whenever data are transferred between architecture layers and between interacting services within the same layer. Encryption is also enforced in database level for core Primordia Data (i.e. entities, assets, interactions etc). On the contrary, apps data encryption is configured by Designers or Asset Managers, depending on the type of data (e.g. sensitive or private information), and may be applied in Model level, to specific record sets, to specific fields, based on specific conditions, to data created or accessible by specific users or beneficiaries etc).

The platform incorporates its own identity management module, which covers both local and remote users and organizes them by node and beneficiary, but it can also be integrated with any third party IDM platform available in the market. Access to platform’s services and core data repositories (entities & assets) is controlled by a powerful multi-level permissions management module, based on established relations among nodes, beneficiary origins (local or remote), user types, positons, exercised access profiles, roles, groups and information classification. Registering or updating Primordia entities (e.g. nodes, beneficiaries, users, accessible apps, assigned processes etc) are restricted actions, requiring approval in order to be completed. Actions upon Primordia assets (i.e. specifications) are controlled by Designers or Asset Managers, by organizing assets (of the same specification level) in groups, assigning to groups specific access policies, and managing users and beneficiaries subscriptions. For example, an active subscription of a Beneficiary to an “Asset Sharing” group of Operations, associated with an access policy permitting “Asset Integration” and “Asset Co-Design” actions to its subscribers, allows users of this Beneficiary with an active “Designer” position, to integrate any of the group’s Operations to processes they design, as well as to modify or extend the specifications of those operations, assuming they are in “Under Development” status. Similarly, an active subscription of a Beneficiary to an “Asset Export” group of Services (applicable only to Beneficiaries of interfaced Nodes), associated with an access policy permitting “Unconditional Export”, allows users of this Beneficiary with an active “Exporter” position, to transfer any of the group’s Services to their host Node, assuming they are in “Published” status. Access to apps and processes, as well as actions upon app data, are authorized using a different approach. Apps are organized in groups, and they get directly accessible by Beneficiaries that maintain an active subscription to those groups. Access to an app means that the beneficiary may request to be assigned one or more processes contained to this app (micro-apps or workflows), as well as to request the appointment of one or more roles engaged in those processes (of performer, participant or supervisor type) to one or more of its users with an active “Process Participant” position, Users appointed a performer role will be able to use a micro-app process or initiate a workflow process, users appointed a participant role will be able to undertake and execute tasks associated to this role, while users appointed a supervisor role will be able to monitor process execution, change tasks assignments, pause or resume process, as well as acquire access to operation and service log reports.

All actions upon Primordia entities (i.e. nodes, beneficiaries, users, groups, roles, permissions etc) and upon assets (i.e. specifications), regardless the performer (i.e. system or user), are analytically logged along with data past versions, enabling users to fully monitor system resources utilization, indicate unauthorized access or actions, or restore data from previous versions after a security breach.

Universal keys are utilized to uniquely identify Nodes and their hosted entities (e.g. beneficiaries, users, contracts etc) and assets (i.e. specifications) in Primordia world, as well as to virtually link their reflections or copies, generated in remote nodes as a result of a transfer or exporting process respectively. Global keys are also assigned to data created and manipulated by Primordia apps (record sets following Model specifications), so as all their instances in different nodes (i.e. created after data exchange) can be linked to the original. Each transaction between nodes, including interface generation and heartbeat check, is authorized or not through a standard process performed in both nodes, involving node validation (activity which protects original nodes from imposter software), node verification (using SSL certificates) and node authentication (using public and private keys and universal identifiers). Each node maintains a directory of all Primordia nodes (universal identifiers, locations, public keys, certificates etc), the interfaces among nodes and their transactions, which gets updated every time nodes are interacting with each other. Transactions among nodes require verification by a third Primordia Node (designated specifically for this purpose by the “interacted” node), in order to be considered as completed, else both nodes rollback transactions. Each interaction is logged by both nodes and the certifier.